mn-dopomoha - Виртуальная поликлиника 'ШВИДКА ДОПОМОГА' - Гомеопат - киста придатка яичка
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 киста придатка яичка
Автор: Василий 
Дата:   28 Окт 2004 13:54

Киста размером 1.5 х 1 см, подтверждена ультразвуковым исследованием, образовалась на этой неделе. Хочу попробывать гомеопатическое лечение. Обычно для рассасывания ячменей на глазах и других образований на слизистой у меня хорошие результаты дает Hepar Sulfur 6. В стране, где я живу сейчас, гомеопатией не пользуются, поэтому посетить врача-гомеопата не могу. Имеет ли смысл попробывать Hepar Sulfur в данном случае? В каком разбавлении? Подбирать ли к нему что-то еще? Например, дезинтоксицирующее ("свое") лекарство (в моем случае Nux Vomica)? Спасибо!

 RE: киста придатка яичка
Автор: Попов Д.В. 
Дата:   02 Ноя 2004 17:24

Если Hepar Sulphur 6 Вам помогает попробуйте его. На остальные вопросы ответить не могу - недостаточно информации. "Дезинтоксицирующими" лекарствами не пользуюсь.

 RE: киста придатка яичка
Автор: Елена Рожнова 
Дата:   13 Фев 2005 01:15

Здравствуйте! У меня 2 недели назад обнаружили кисту яичника. Размером в 4см. Предложили лечение: принимать противозачаточными. Я хотела бы лечиться народными средствами. Мне посоветовали масло чайного дерева, интересно это поможет? Что Вы можите предложить? Спасибо заранее за ответ.

 RE: киста придатка яичка
Автор: Попов Д.В. 
Дата:   17 Фев 2005 11:10

Насчет масла чайного дерева - не знаю. Гомеопатическое лечение возможно, но для этого необходим осмотр и опрос пациента.
Автор: Ґл©`ҐёҐеҐЗҐЈҐЄ©`Ґл 
Дата:   26 Фев 2014 10:52

Shane Blackmon's Comments on DECKThanks for the comment!I do agree Ugg is most effective in breed. Individuals who use them, love their goods. I'll point as it becomes more commercials, now there are Ґл©`ҐёҐеҐЗҐЈҐЄ©`Ґл additional knockoffs. I've talked to Ґл©`ҐёҐеҐЗҐЈҐЄ©`Ґл ten mates of mine that are ladies (mid 20's). Development prospects are not as outstanding as they have been in 2009. The provider is trading at roughly 18x trailing earnings; Ґл©`ҐёҐеҐЗҐЈҐЄ©`Ґл that is not low-cost or costly. Still, if Ґл©`ҐёҐеҐЗҐЈҐЄ©`Ґл they reduce EPS forecasts like i consider they may well, Ґл©`ҐёҐеҐЗҐЈҐЄ©`Ґл it really is tough to worth a firm with no development inside a offered year. Fund managers will wonder in the event the growth is rolling more than and the Ugg brand is dying. Preserve the comments coming, adore to hear from everyone!Feb 20 11:37 AMThe sales have fairly a great deal ended on these internet sites. The sale of Uggs on Dillards were observed in Late Jan/Early Feb. As we've discussed prior to, we've implemented programs to help mitigate the influence from higher sheepskin and raw material costs. production, and provide chain efficiencies for instance reduced freight fees and other individuals. i'm factoring in they could handle and recover two.5% of that margin contraction from value increases and mix shift.
Автор: ҐХҐ§ҐуҐЗҐЈ ҐФ©`Ґ«ҐЦ©` Ѓэёс 
Дата:   26 Фев 2014 10:52

Nouala's Highest Rated CommentsUgg is not just boots. They're expending their lines to sandals, and dressier shoe. Employing the name Ugg as a trend to penetrate the industry. I am a girls fashion shopper, and coming from a european culture, I'm incredibly picky about shoes. I purchased a couple sandals from their new collection for spring, and I can let you know that they're well created and especially fashionable, and more importantly have an unbelievably comfy insole that you could put on for extended hours. Spring isn't right here but, and some of their sizes ҐХҐ§ҐуҐЗҐЈ ҐФ©`Ґ«ҐЦ©` Ѓэёс are sold out at Nordstrom, and Zappos. Very same point for mens, they are ҐХҐ§ҐуҐЗҐЈ ҐФ©`Ґ«ҐЦ©` Ѓэёс deviating from ONLY boots, to ҐХҐ§ҐуҐЗҐЈ ҐФ©`Ґ«ҐЦ©` Ѓэёс much more sporty and fashion footwear, once again applying their know-how about comfort to create them different and worth their price. I agree that Deckers are obtaining some difficulty with inventory, it's understandable given the big unexpected hit on ҐХҐ§ҐуҐЗҐЈ ҐФ©`Ґ«ҐЦ©` Ѓэёс their boot the last ҐХҐ§ҐуҐЗҐЈ ҐФ©`Ґ«ҐЦ©` Ѓэёс couple years. When final year they had low inventory, and this year they are overstock. But I'm confident that they are going to make it proper inside the next couple quarters. I"M Long DECK, I was hoping the stock will go down to $75 to have a bight :))
Автор: ҐХҐ§ҐуҐЗҐЈ Ґ№ҐИ©`Ґл 
Дата:   03 Мар 2014 10:43

Nouala's Highest Rated CommentsUgg isn't just boots. They may be expending their lines to sandals, and dressier shoe. Making use of the name Ugg as a trend to penetrate the market. I am a girls style shopper, and coming from a european culture, I'm incredibly picky about footwear. I bought a couple sandals from their new collection for spring, and I can tell you that they are effectively created and extremely fashionable, and more importantly have an unbelievably comfortable insole that you could wear for extended hours. Spring isn't right here but, and some of their sizes ҐХҐ§ҐуҐЗҐЈ Ґ№ҐИ©`Ґл are sold out at Nordstrom, and Zappos. Similar point for mens, they may be ҐХҐ§ҐуҐЗҐЈ Ґ№ҐИ©`Ґл deviating from ONLY boots, to ҐХҐ§ҐуҐЗҐЈ Ґ№ҐИ©`Ґл way more sporty and style footwear, once more applying their information about comfort to produce them exclusive and worth their price tag. I agree that Deckers are getting some problems with inventory, it is understandable provided the big unexpected hit on ҐХҐ§ҐуҐЗҐЈ Ґ№ҐИ©`Ґл their boot the last ҐХҐ§ҐуҐЗҐЈ Ґ№ҐИ©`Ґл couple years. When last year they had low inventory, and this year they are overstock. But I am confident that they are going to make it suitable inside the subsequent couple quarters. I"M Long DECK, I was hoping the stock will go down to $75 to acquire a bight :))

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